Accept that you enjoy being a bit of a geek and just be yourself. Geeks are obviously not all awkward but as a gross generalisation you will “fit in with the crowd”. You are good at this geek thing because you have been doing it all your life so it comes natural. You are confident around similar people and may even be thought of as the cool person among your peers.
If you choose this direction – one in which you choose to be your natural self we still have the problem of being awkward around women right. Chances are there are other girls in your workplace or social groups that you can get to know.
You will not be the one to go out to town/clubs and dance the socks of a women but you will casually, though mutual interests meet “another geek” or similar girl who may be as awkward around guys as you are around girls.
The two of you will grow in confidence together due to the realisation that the opposite sex really is not that scary.